12-14 week ultrasound Ultrasound

Most pregnant women will be offered a routine first trimester ultrasound examination. It can be performed from 12 weeks onwards but is preferably done between 13 and 14 weeks because we can more reliably see all required anatomy at that gestation. If we perform the ultrasound before 12.5 weeks it increases the chance that not all anatomy can be assessed and that a repeat examination may be required. The ultrasound is performed transabdominally when possible. A full bladder is not required. Sometimes a transvaginal scan provides better images and that may be discussed with you.


  • To confirm that the fetus is alive.

  • To diagnose multiple pregnancy if no earlier scan was performed

  • To confirm your due date if no earlier scan was performed

  • To assess growth by measuring the fetal head and length of the body

  • To assess the fetal anatomy. This involves a detailed examination of the fetal head, brain, face, lips, heart, stomach, lungs, abdominal wall, kidneys, bladder, spine, arms, legs, hands, and feet. It is usually too early to assess the gender.

  • To assess the length of the cervix.

  • To check for ovarian cysts or fibroids.

  • Combined first trimester screening for Down Syndrome can be performed if no NIPT was performed.

This examination is expected to detect many of the major fetal malformations early. It is important to appreciate however that a repeat ultrasound at 20 weeks is still required to review the anatomy in more detail.

Photographs and Videos

The ultrasound examination will be recorded on USB free of charge. We will also send a picture of your baby to your phone by mms.